Thoughts on Moving

So here's how things have panned out (I'm the least consistent blogger in the world, if you haven't noticed). My dissertation won the award it was nominated for, I got a job, and we're moving back east in a week and a half. The two most terrifying parts of this are: 1) we're going to be broke for another year and 2) we still don't have a place to live yet. Hopefully we'll have our living situation worked out soon, but it's going to be a rough year. Who would have thought it would cost so much to live near the ocean?

In other news, we're expecting another child, a boy, in October, and he's been diagnosed prenatally with Down Syndrome. We're still learning to cope with this news, and we are learning all we can about the disease, so I'll likely have some blog entries about that coming up.

I'd say to stay tuned, but if you're reading this you know it might be a while.