
So I took the plunge and signed up for Facebook. It's an interesting place where I can be online and not totally anonymous. I wasn't sure how long it would last, but I've been on for over a month now. The impulse initially came when I wondered how people I went to high school with were doing. That impulse has passed, but there are a couple of games I got interested in, so I'm staying. The weirdest part about Facebook is getting in touch with people you haven't seen in decades, who you don't really remember very well, and having them seem really excited to hear from you. So far, I've found out that I ws the first boy a high school friend ever danced with, I got one vote for "class looker" in the senior yearbook, and I'm the third best of my high school friends on Word Twist and Pathwords (someday I'll be on top, though).

The craziest part is that I'm now "friends" on Facebook with one person I really hated. He was a jerk to me, but when his "riend request"came through, I allowed my curiosity to get the better of me, so there we are, friends, linked forever on the Facebook network. Well, at least until I hit the delete key. . .

But that's the problem, I signed up for Facebook knowing full well that erasing your presence from it is nearly impossible. So even though I enjoy the lack of anonymity there, I am terrified of saying or doing something wrong that will come back to bite me. I see some of the things my friends post, and I can't believe they would put it on the internet, which has a habit of remembering things. I'm not involved in anything sinister. There are no incriminating photos, since I haven't done anything sinister, but what if a prospective employer looks me up? What will they think?

Possibly I'm over-reacting. But then again, maybe Facebook is Big Brother.

1 comment:

Urban Tangerine said...

I'm still deciding what I think about facebook and I've been on for several months now. I haven't played any games, but I truly don't remember some of the people I went to High School with. How do they remember me? I wasn't popular. At any rate, if your employers want to see your facebook stuff, you'll have to friend them. Just in case, I put all of my settings to private last week so friends of friends can't see my stuff. Enjoy!