I'm just amazed. . .

This entire post is the work of a relatively young father bragging incessantly about his incredible daughter. You've been warned.

Her Nibs has discovered a new talent. Recently, she's started drawing (sort of) recognizable faces on drawings. She does it on her own, too. I know I'm an incredibly biased observer, but for some reason it seems to me that she's a bit advanced with her small motor skills.

There. My bragging impulse has been satisfied. I included one of her faces below. I know it's not high art, but hey, she's not even three yet.


Nava said...

Hey, she even got the shape of the kitty's nose right!
So, is that the ArtPact for the month? :-)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think she's gifted.
But then she's got two really awesome parents!
