Who's Drinking the Kool-Aid Now?

Apparently, Kirsten Dunst has a high opinion of herself. Here's the short version. There is talk that Sam Raimi won't make the next Spiderman movie, and that Kirsten Dunst and Tobey Mcguire might not be in it. Dunst thinks that this is "disrespectful" to her and that "audiences aren't stupid. It'd be a big flop without me, Tobey, or Sam."

What do I think? I kind of liked the first two movies. I like a lot of comic-book type films (they're a guilty pleasure). Overall, though, I think the Spiderman movies would have been better without Mcguire and Dunst. I like what Raimi has done, but neither of the lead actors has done a particularly memorable job. Mcguire is OK, but I don't really like his delivery very much. I'm at the point now where I don't actually care if I see the next movie. I've liked the story lines, but the acting is problematic.

Dunst, in particular, has really been terrible. If they dropped her from the films, I would actually be more likely to see it. Take the second film, for example. Dunst's character, Mary Jane, is supposed to be some wonderful actress. But the scenes they show of her onstage in "The Importance of Being Earnest" are terrible. Add to that her bad teeth, and you have the makings of a disaster. Don't get me wrong, I thought that Dunst was solid in "Drop Dead Gorgeous," but I think she's had the same experience as a lot of other actresses. She gets into some serious films and somehow thinks she's a serious actress.

I think it's awfully pretentious of her to think she's somehow indispensable. Somebody needs to give her a reality check.


Plainbellied said...

Raimi might not be there for Spiderman because 'they' are talking about having him direct "The Hobbit" if Peter Jackson doesn't do it. I think attempting Tolkien without Peter Jackson would be much worse than Spiderman without Raimi, Dunst and Mcguire. Now that sounds like a flop.

Anonymous said...

Hero movies have come and gone with different characters long before her name was household...
She needs to get over herself.
Unfortunately it sounds like she's in Hollywood's web.
so, that'll never happen.