Lizard Loaf back at the Hospital

This morning, Plainbellied was feeding Lizard Loaf and thought he felt cold, so she took his temperature. It was low, and the doctor said we should take him to the emergency room. This was 4:00 in the morning. When we got to the hospital, someone met us at the door, and he was whisked into the back while I signed him in. In the back, they put him under a warmer and ordered blood tests, and it came back that he was dehydrated. They also took a spinal tap and admitted our little boy to the hospital for 48 hours while they grew cultures to rule out infection. It's definitely an overwhelming feeling, but I feel confident that the doctors will do their best to make sure he is healthy.

Most of you know that Lizard Loaf has Down syndrome, and that can bring its own challenges. We thought we had gotten past them when his echocardiogram came back negative for holes in his heart, but to return to the hospital just days after we had brought him home was a reality check. We're in this for the long haul.

So what's the good news? Well, at 9:00 Lizard Loaf ate three times as much as he had eaten at any other feeding. That's a good sign, as is the fact that his temperature is up. I think he might have turned the corner. He'll still be here a couple of days, but I feel much more confident that he will pull out of this and get better.

Stay tuned. I'll update as things develop. Sorry if this post is a bit disjointed, but I haven't had much sleep today.

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