I'm on a Roll

While I'm at it, I think I'll write a little more this evening. I have a few things I would like to share. We've been trying to come up with new parenting strategies for dealing with Her Nibs. She has become a handful--part-time drama queen, full-time pain (not really, but you get the idea). It seems as though when she is awake, she is never off or on standby. She needs to be engaged every second of every day. If I'm around, she's constantly talking to me, and I've found myself telling her that I just need some time to myself more and more often. Well, I guess I didn't realize how this would go. A few weeks ago as we drove to church, she was taking to The Boy in the back of the car in a one-sided conversation, and she asked him what game he wanted to play. A moment passed in silence, then she said, "We can't play that game. The alone-time game is just for grown ups. You silly!" I guess I'll have to do things differently.

Secondly, I was asked to teach Sunday School at church. I've secretly always wanted this calling, but it turns out to be a lot harder than I expected. I have some opinions that might be termed "unorthodox," but only in a cultural sense. There are certain things about our religion that are not really points of doctrine, but many people think that they are. So in our very conservative ward, I've had to watch myself, and I've already received one talking to by an old man with no business telling me what I can and can't teach. The bishop knows what I'm teaching, and he has told me that everything is fine, so I'm going to ignore the old man (who looks like a cross between Skeletor and Jabba the Hutt--is that mean to say?) and continue doing what I'm doing. Some weeks are better than others. Today went really well. People were interested, they were making comments, and everyone was respectful of one another. I really felt like I was doing it right today, and I don't get to say that every week.

Thirdly, I thought I would introduce a new topic of discussion: blood plasma. Recently, I've taken to donating blood plasma. Well, selling is a better word. It's O.K. money, and one of the only things I can take on that is flexible and doesn't interfere with my real job. But I meet interesting people, and I've decided to write about my experiences on this blog. Hopefully you'll enjoy it, because I certainly don't on most days.

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