Kids and Secrets

I suppose I'm making up for a lack of entries over the past week by writing a bunch today. In fact, I almost forgot a classic story about Her Nibs.

I was talking to her the other day when she told me that "we got you a present, but it's a secret." When I related it to Plainbellied, thinking Her Nibs had totally made it up, she looked like the cat that swallowed the canary. So I pressed a little bit and got a confession. Ha! I still like surprises, though, so I didn't ask what it was. My birthday is less than a month away, so I figured that's what it was.

Last night I found out I was wrong. Plainbellied had gotten new wheels for my rollerblades, which I haven't been able to use for a while. She also replaced her own wheels, so as long as we can get someone to watch Her Nibs (this summer we'll be really close to Grandma), we can go blading. We used to go a lot before we got married and before Her Nibs came along. Since I'm teaching at our alma mater this summer, we can go on the trails we used to take in the mountains. Pretty cool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

now that's romantic.
Kudos to Plainbellied!