One other thing

While I'm talking about reality television, I should mention this. I'm not a fan of "The Bachelor." It's a really horrible idea for a show, and the few episodes I've seen were some of the worst television ever (although "Joe Millionaire" was worse). However, if you either love or hate the show, you might be interested in the "Sports Gal" blog about the show.

For those who aren't familiar, the Sports Gal is the wife of ESPN's Sports Guy, Bill Simmons, who writes about sports from a fan's perspective (he's from Boston, so I naturally gravitate toward his opinions on a lot of issues). Last season he decided that he wanted to put a theory about predicting football outcomes to the test, so when he wrote his weekly picks column, where he predicted who would win each of the coming weeks' games, he had his wife (who he claims knows nothing about football) pick as well. In return, his wife (they claim) demanded to be given a column of her own without restrictions. It turned out to be hilarious and insightful, and Plainbellied and I looked forward to her column every week. At the end of the season, she actually had a better record than her husband, essentially proving his point that the people picking winners have no better chance than a novice.

Well, I guess ABC liked what it had seen in her column (since they own ESPN), and the fact that she made occasional references to "The Bachelor," and they asked her to write a column about that show this season. It's really funny, and she doesn't pull any punches. I even admit to watching about ten minutes of the show one week in preparation for her column. ABC should give her a medal just for that.

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