Her Nibs, At It Again

On Saturday, Her Nibs got in trouble. She has learned how to make "designs" on the computer, by which I mean she sits at the computer, types away on a blank word processor document, and calls it a design. Saturday morning, Her Nibs asked us (before we got up) if she could make designs. Plainbellied told her that she had to wait for one of us to go downstairs and supervise. When I got down a little while later, she was sitting at the computer, typing. Of course she got in trouble, compounded by the fact that she lied and told me that Plainbellied had authorized the activity. So I gave her a timeout. When that was over, she was still sad, so she stomped off up the stairs, looking for her mom.

This is where it got fun. She was supposed to go to a friend's birthday party that afternoon, and she started saying, "I don't feel like going to the birthday party anymore!" (sniff). So Plainbellied said, "That's OK. You don't have to go to the party." We both figured she would change her mind and everything would be all right, but we had no idea how funny it would be when she did. About two minutes later, I heard her come out of her room, still crying, but shouting, "But what if they need me, Mummy? What if they need me at the party?" Needless to say, she decided to go, if only to help the mermaids find their treasure (it was a pirate-themed party).

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