Post-election Roundup

It's been so long since I've posted that I think I'll just briefly touch on the election. This should be the last election-related post you'll get from me for a long time.

First, I'm happy Barack Obama won. I don't know how he'll do actually governing, but he has a chance to make a significant positive impact. I would not have confidence in John McCain to do that.

I want Sarah Palin to go away. Some people actually see her as a leader of the Republican party? Well, if she gets the nomination in 2012, I won't vote for her. She's a joke.

John McCain was very gracious in defeat. He was definitely more gracious than his followers. At his concession speech he had to tell them to stop booing when he pledged to work with President Obama. I don't know if he's going to be an opposition figure or what, but I do have confidence that we might just get the old John McCain back.

The transition has gone pretty smoothly, all things considered. We're in two wars and a major recession, and yet the wheels keep turning. I'm concerned only about two things. First, the Bush administration is pushing through a bunch of rule changes, and I hope the effort comes up short or the next administration quickly overturns them. They will gut the environmental protections currently in place, and I don't think we can afford that. My second problem with the transition is the appointment of Hillary Clinton. I don't like her. I don't trust her, and I don't want her to be Secretary of State. Having said that, I hope that I'm wrong and she does a good job. I used to think highly of Condoleeza Rice, and look how that turned out.

But that's it for politics. I'm all out of gas after the election. Now I'm concentrating on work and family. That's enough for me.

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