Estoy de Rodrigo

Plainbellied and Her Nibs left town this morning, and I am now alone at home, getting on with revising my dissertation. In Spain, they have an expression for this: "estar de Rodrigo." I don't know why they use those exact words, but it comes from the old days, when families left the cities during the summer to spend time in the country. Spain gets very hot in the summer, and before modern sanitation, leaving the city was the best thing you could do. If a husband was "de Rodrigo," it meant that he was staying behind to attend to business in the city. Often, the men would use the time to act as though they were free from the "ball and chain." Anyway, since Plainbellied and Her Nibs are away, I'm technically "de Rodrigo." I like how the expression sounds, but rest assured that there is no play this week. I have lots and tons of work to do.

I even started by cleaning up my office, which looked like a war zone. Now I'm ready to get down to the business of revision. Maybe I'll even make it a revisionist history. . . .

1 comment:

Plainbellied said...

You Rock, Turtar!!! I'm so proud of how hard you're working. I know you'll make it. (there is the small matter of when, however... :])