Would Tylenol Help?

I read a CNN.com article about Al Gore testifying before Congress about climate change. He said that the earth has a fever. He went on to say, "If your baby has a fever, you go to the doctor. If the doctor says you need to intervene here, you don't say, 'Well, I read a science fiction novel that told me it's not a problem.' If the crib's on fire, you don't speculate that the baby is flame retardant. You take action." Well, I'm calling a foul on Mr. Gore for poor use of imagery.

As a parent, I have some experience with childrens' fevers. A slight fever requires no medical intervention. In fact, the fever is indicative of the body's healing response and is a sign that the body can protect itself. Only an obsessive parent would go to a doctor with a child running a fever of 99.6 or even 100 unless the child exhibited other symptoms. I am not trying to say anything about global warming. I just think Mr. Gore needs to think through his imagery more clearly. His statement about the earth having a fever, if taken to a logical conclusion, could be taken to mean that the earth is protecting itself from an infection and that we should leave it alone until it gets out of control (so far temperatures have only risen about 1 degree). Then we should throw some Tylenol on it until it cools down.

Even though I just called a foul on "You can call me" Al, I kind of hope he runs for president now. We might get more choice quotes about lockboxes and non-flame-retardant babies. That would be so AWESOME!!!! I can't wait.


Anonymous said...

The only cure is MORE COWBELL!

Anonymous said...

you should be a referee!!!!