The Placeholder Manifesto

It's finally here! The post you've all been waiting for: the Placeholder Manifesto, in which our various goals are presented in stunning prose! Be warned, however, that I have spent much of the last seven years engrossed in the study of obscure political groups in the early 20th Century. Enjoy!

The Manifesto

As we bow before the gods of Technology and Science, we find ourselves compelled to launch this forum for our ideas and thus advance our goals for the improvement of Society. Through the formation of a small nucleus of educated souls, we believe that the Placeholder movement will continue to march forward in anticipation of a glorious triumph over sloth and deception. We have chosen the Blogosphere as the perfect environment for our movement, hopeful of one day declaring from the heights of power that the movement against inanity began here.

Born into a world where the twin evils of complacency and misinformation abound, we declare war on the purveyors of stupidity. The Placeholder movement solemnly objects to the creation of inferior products in all economic and social sectors. The imposition by large corporations on our culture has degraded the creative spark once dominant, limiting true ingenuity and innovation to limited sectors.

We vow that through our posts, we will carefully expose the frauds prevalent in our society. Bloggers of the world, unite against the fascist rule imposed by the outdated imperialist dogma of modern capitalism! Join our struggle against stupidity and laziness!

The Placeholder Committee

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