Her Nibs

Two stories about Her Nibs (I've decided to call my daughter Her Nibs from now on--my mother coined the term):

Her Nibs has a great imagination. This afternoon, she wanted to sing one of the songs she learned in church, and she told me, "I'll sing and you cry." I was really confused, but she insisted that I cry. I faked some sobbing sounds, and she started to sing. When she finished the song, we switched. I sang while she "cried." After that round, she said, "Let's sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star so we don't have to cry." I have no idea where any of this came from. Our church services are pretty standard, and crying isn't exactly the norm.

The other morning, she was a grump, so I did something I got from my father. I poked her in the belly and said, "There's a smile in there somewhere" in a goofy voice. My dad used to do that to us all the time, and somehow it worked. It worked on Her Nibs, too. She started to smile pretty quickly. Now, for it to really work, you need to keep doing it until the "victim" starts to laugh. But after a few pokes, she pulled up her shirt and said, "That's not a smile. That's a belly button." Guess which one of us started laughing first?

1 comment:

Plainbellied said...

I was half asleep when this happened and didn't quite appreciate how funny it was. That is HILARIOUS!! LOL to the point of tears.